Friday 25 October 2013

Cookbook Challenge 2013 - Week 43

After the excitement of cooking our Come Dine with Me meals I felt that we should slum it a bit with some more fairly standard fare and so I decided to make a Pizza, the Marinara Pizza from Gino’s Italian Escape to be exact. I whipped up the dough and left it to prove while I got on with making the sauce for the topping, which was very simple and took no time at all. Because the recipe made two pizzas I decided to make the topping slightly different on the second one just to mix things up so I added roasted peppers and ricotta to that one along with the marinara sauce and a few olives for good measure. The base was incredibly light and I didn’t feel stuffed like you can do with bought pizzas, they weren’t overly bready but just crisp enough to hold the topping and not become soggy. Really easy to make and greatly enjoyed while watching Strictly (who is not enjoying watching a Hairy Biker galumph around the dancefloor?!).

Having enjoyed a very nice week at home it seemed a bit mean to send hubby back to work without something tasty in his lunchbox, so I made Grated Chocolate & Almond Cake from Delia’s Cakes. Apart from the hassle of having to grate chocolate (without letting it melt in your hands) this was incredibly easy to make and the icing was even more so. I remember my mum making a similar grated chocolate cake when I was younger (it may even have been the same recipe, thanks Delia!) and I always really enjoyed it, there’s something about the texture of that grated chocolate and the bitterness of the chocolate icing that together with the slight nuttiness from the ground almonds work really well. The fact that it’s now been completely demolished means that it must have been a success, but the question now is which cake to make next?

Recipe Count: 139
New Target: 156

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